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3 Recipes To Help You Say Farewell To Summer

3 Recipes To Help You Say Farewell To Summer

While kids of all ages are jumping into big yellow school buses, we want to hold on to the thought of pouring a big glass of rosé. Yes, there are quite a lot of things left on our ‘to-do’ list before the summer leaves us for good. From hosting an amazing backyard dinner party, lounging with no cares by a pool with our girlfriends and taking one moment to decompress over a nice meal – we hate to say it, but we barely made a notch in our list. Take heart, summer is not over yet, people! If we’re going to do this, and do it right, we need to stick together! If you can by any means muster up some time, these deserving dishes are worthy of some summer love.

The first dish you need to make is a fresh and tasty Summer Panzanella. For those new to the dish, traditional panzanellas involve tomatoes, onions, pieces of hearty bread and some drenching of olive oil. The classic Italian dish can be most commonly found in parts of central Italy, where we imagine fresh tomatoes and basil are growing wild, just asking to be made into the summer dish. Easier than ever, we know that our Large Lasagna Baking Dish is the perf vessel to serve up this delicious salad. We grabbed this fine recipe off of How Sweet Eats blog and we can’t deny that we got more than a little hungry while admiring it. We’re running out to our garden after work and grabbing some ripe tomatoes and fresh basil to whip it up for a quick dinner!

If sweet treats are your choice of indulgence this summer, we have the recipe for you. We recently came across a fresh and light Apricot Cream Pie recipe from Jillian Harris and about ate our computer screen. The beautiful colors of the dish practically scream ‘summer’ and we love how versatile it can be. Substitute apricots for your fave fruit and customize that pie until you are filled with joy. We imagine our Large Paella Dish forming the ultimate makeshift pie dish for a special treat like this one. Remember when you were a kid, biting into a juicy piece of fruit while playing outside, meanwhile all of the juices are running down your chin? Yeah, we imagine this is the grown up version of that. We know every single bite will feel like simple and happy childhood.

The last dish that caught our eye was a mixture of sweet and salty goodness. There’s nothing quite like the bold pair of brie cheese and honey and luckily, this Honey Peach and Brie Panini from Half Baked Harvest just gets it. To us, summer is best enjoyed while grazing a beautiful cheese platter on your back patio while indulging in a glass (or two) of wine. This sandwich embodies this idea through the decadent pairing of the sweet and juicy peaches with brie cheese. We recommend diving into the paninis by slicing them up on one of our signature Pizza Boards and serving them right then and there. If they make their way over to the table before they are gobbled up, we’d be very surprised.

What summer dishes are staple in your home? Any dishes you are dying to try before summer is long gone? Let us know in the comments below! 

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