Why Lazy Susans Are Making A BIG Comeback
Introduced as far back as the 18th century in England, the lazy susan was once a common household item. However, it isn’t very often you walk into a friend’s kitchen today and stumble across the wooden turntables. When it comes to serving your friends, family and loved ones with a lazy susan, we can’t quite articulate why the fun serving boards have taken a backseat. In fact, we predict lazy susans will be making a huge comeback in 2019.
In a world of instant gratification, we’re honestly surprised Lazy Susans are not on every dining table in the home. While the concept is not new, the idea of having food at your fingertips is more relevant than ever. We currently live in a world where everyone wants everything as soon as they can have it. While we aren’t the biggest fans of fast food, this is our trade-off. Give your family a whole new meaning behind the term, by letting them know dinner is on the table and can easily make its way to their plates.
While home décor and fashion may have their differences, they also have some major common characteristics. Number one, both fashion and décor are known to be cyclical. We’re all familiar with fashion - what once was cool, soon will go out of style and then years down the road it makes a daring and bold comeback. The same principle applies to décor. Hello, anyone heard of our dear friend, wallpaper? Our advice is to stay ahead of the trends and be the first of your girl squad to bring the lazy susan back into your kitchen before the magazines say it’s ‘in’ again.
Lastly, lazy susans will be making a comeback because they don’t look quite like your mother’s lazy susan anymore. There are plenty of options out on the market now that amp up the classic design. While there are a range of sizes and designs to match your kitchen perfectly, we know there’s one out there just waiting for you. Better yet, the lazy susan is a staple piece to keep on your countertop for treats and fruit. Simply place a cloche on top and let the functional and beautiful piece speak for itself.
To make your selection even easier, we offer a variety of lazy susans on etúHOME, so check them out to get ahead of the trend. Trust us, you’ll be so glad to be the first and not the last, who’s in the know. Let us know what you think! What do you think about the lazy susan trend making a comeback?
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